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A member registered Mar 01, 2021

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Hi, It's great that you responded and RPG-Maker brought up the same point - as such I've deleted all ported variants of the collection and they highlighted just as you did that taking up the offer may cause legal problems as they do not have ownership and did suggest that I however contact the 'original devs' in this I believe they meant you but I also respect and understand your decision to not take up the offer I have put forward. All the best in your projects and aspirations for the future. I'm a big fan of the works you've done.

I ported this pack from MV to MZ myself, I even went as far as to actually contact RM-Web to ask if they'd like the completely ported/updated version of this pack sending to them based on the statement 'Solely used for the creation of your game, you can edit, process, and modify the materials contained in the Resource Pack. You will not share these edits with others.' in the EULA so I won't redistribute it at all but am offering to send the ported variant to RM-Web. Lets hope they take my ported-variant and redistribute it themselves. :)